중국을 방문할 때 로밍에 의존하는 것보다 SIM 카드를 구입하는 것이 더 저렴하고, 포켓 와이파이나 공공 와이파이에 의존하는 것보다 SIM 카드를 구입하는 것이 훨씬 더 편리합니다. 특히, 중국 관광 SIM 카드를 사용하면 VPN 없이도 인터넷에 액세스할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 온라인 경험이 간소화되고 인기 있는 앱과 웹사이트를 제한 없이 사용할 수 있습니다.

이 게시물에서는 중국에서 SIM 카드를 구입할 수 있는 곳과 방법을 알려드립니다. 하지만 자세한 내용을 살펴보기 전에 간략한 요약을 살펴보세요.

  • 구매처: SIM 카드는 중국 전역의 주요 공항, 편의점, 이동통신사 매장에서 구입할 수 있습니다.
  • 등록 방법: 등록에는 일반적으로 유효한 여권이 필요하며 개인 정보를 제공해야 할 수 있습니다. 일부 공급업체는 편의성을 위해 온라인 등록을 제공합니다.
  • 최고의 이동통신사: 중국의 주요 이동통신사로는 China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom이 있습니다. 각각 다양한 요구에 맞는 다양한 요금제를 제공합니다.
  • eSIM 옵션: 보다 유연한 솔루션을 찾는 사람들을 위해 eSIM 기술을 사용할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 물리적 SIM 카드 없이도 데이터 플랜을 활성화할 수 있습니다. 그러나 특정 휴대전화 모델에서만 작동합니다. 여기에 나열된 모델입니다.

50개 이상의 중국 eSIM 옵션으로 원활한 연결을 잠금 해제하세요. 7달러부터 시작하세요. 무제한 데이터 이용 가능!

휴대폰이 eSIM을 지원하지 않는 경우 아래 가이드에 따라 여행에 적합한 SIM 카드를 찾으세요.

관광객을 위한 중국 SIM 카드 - 구매처 및 등록 방법

참고: 중국에서는 인터넷이 엄격하게 제한될 수 있다는 점을 알아두는 것이 중요합니다.

자세한 내용은 아래에서 확인하세요!

I. 중국 여행을 위해 새 SIM 카드를 사야 할까요?

네, 저렴한 요금, 빠른 속도, 앱에 대한 무제한 액세스를 위해 도착 시 인터넷 접속이 완벽하게 가능하도록 중국 SIM 카드를 구매하는 것이 좋습니다.

중국에서 SIM 카드를 구매할지 아니면 기존 SIM 카드를 사용할지 결정할 때 고려해야 할 몇 가지 사항은 다음과 같습니다.

중국 SIM 카드 사용의 이점

Advantages of Using a China SIM Card

중국을 여행할 때 현지 SIM 카드를 사용하면 홈 네트워크의 로밍 서비스에 의존하거나 휴대용 Wi-Fi 장치를 임대하는 것보다 여러 가지 이점이 있습니다. 중국 SIM 카드를 구매해야 하는 몇 가지 설득력 있는 이유는 다음과 같습니다.


중국에서 모바일 데이터가 필요하거나 전화를 걸거나 받는 경우 홈 통신사의 국제 로밍 비용이 매우 비쌀 수 있습니다. 해외에서 MB당 데이터 비용은 $10-$15를 초과할 수 있으며 이는 빠르게 누적됩니다.

중국에서 판매되는 많은 현지 선불 SIM 카드는 로밍보다 훨씬 낮은 비용으로 넉넉한 데이터 패키지를 제공합니다. 5~15GB의 데이터가 7~15일 동안 유효한 SIM을 5~15달러에 구입할 수 있습니다.

안정적인 연결성

중국의 모바일 네트워크는 일반적으로 안정적이며, 특히 주요 도시와 관광지에서 좋은 커버리지를 제공합니다. 현지 SIM 카드를 사용하면 탐색, 소셜 미디어 및 기타 온라인 활동을 위한 일관된 인터넷 연결을 보장할 수 있습니다.


중국은 광범위한 인터넷 검열을 실시하고 Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube 등과 같은 많은 글로벌 웹사이트와 서비스를 차단합니다. 중국에서 현지에서 구매한 SIM 카드는 이러한 차단 및 제한을 받습니다.

잠재적인 단점

중국 SIM 카드를 사용하는 데는 수많은 이점이 있지만, 몇 가지 잠재적인 단점을 고려하는 것이 중요합니다.

  • 초기 설정: 새로운 SIM 카드를 구매하고 설정하는 것은 번거로울 수 있으며, 특히 프로세스나 언어 장벽에 익숙하지 않은 경우 더욱 그렇습니다.
  • 제한된 사용: 중국을 단기간 방문하는 경우 SIM 카드를 구입하는 것은 가치가 없을 수 있으며, Wi-Fi 핫스팟에 의존하거나 휴대용 Wi-Fi 기기를 임대하는 것이 더 나은 선택일 수 있습니다.
  • 기기 호환성: 휴대전화가 잠금 해제되어 있고 중국 모바일 네트워크에서 사용하는 주파수와 호환되는지 확인하여 연결 문제를 방지하세요.

알아두면 좋은 정보:

중국에서 온라인 상태를 유지하는 것은 쉽습니다. 하지만 이 나라는 통신 및 인터넷에 대한 특정 제한이 있습니다. 중국에서 고향에서 사용하는 것처럼 모든 앱을 사용할 수 없을 가능성이 큽니다. 하지만 VPN을 사용하여 원하는 모든 앱을 사용할 수 있는 대안이 여전히 있습니다.

► See more details about Internet restrictions in China.

II. China SIM Card Types – Which One is the Best for Tourists?

China offers various types of SIM cards, each catering to different needs and usage scenarios. Let’s explore the different categories and determine which option is best suited for tourists visiting the country.

SIM vs eSIM in China
CriteriaType of SIM CardDescriptionBenefit for Tourists
By FormPhysical SIM CardA plastic card that inserts directly into the phone. Available from China’s major carriers like China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom. Require registration with ID.Wide availability from carrier stores. Required for some older phones that don’t support eSIM.
eSIMA digital SIM embedded directly into the phone. No physical card. More convenient than physical SIM card. Avoids registration process with Chinese carriers. Supports latest iPhones and devices.
By FunctionData-only SIM CardProvides only mobile data and internet access. No voice/SMS services. Available from Chinese and international carriers.Sufficient for tourists mostly using data and apps. More cost effective if not needing voice/SMS.
Voice and Data SIM CardProvides both voice calls and SMS in addition to data. Available from Chinese carriers and roaming options from HK carriers.More full-featured option if also needing basic calling/messaging in addition to data.
Tourist SIM CardSpecial plans targeted at tourists with higher data allowances and validity periods. Available from international roaming providers and HK carriers.Caters plans specifically to temporary travel needs. More cost effective than standard Chinese SIMs for short stays.

For most tourists an eSIM plan from an international provider or a tourist SIM card from a Hong Kong carrier would provide the best overall experience. It avoids the registration hassles with Chinese carriers while offering flexible data-centric plans suitable for traveling.

III. How Much Data is Enough for a Prepaid Tourist SIM Card for China?

Wondering how much data to get on your China SIM card? Here is a table summarizing some recommended data package sizes for tourist SIM cards in China based on estimated usage:

Estimated Weekly Data UsageRecommended Data Package Size
1-2 GB (light browsing/maps)3 GB
2-4 GB (occasional photos/videos)5 GB
4-6 GB (regular social media use)8 GB
6-8 GB (streaming music/videos)10 GB
8+ GB (heavy streaming/gaming)15 GB or multi-week package

Start with a mid-sized package of around 3-5GB for average usage and upgrade if needed. With careful monitoring and offline caching, you should be able to stay within your data limits and stay connected during your China trip.

IV. How Much Does a China SIM Card Cost?

The cost of a SIM card in China can vary depending on the mobile carrier and data plan selected. In general,

The cost of a SIM card in China can vary depending on the mobile carrier and data plan selected. In general, the starter SIM cards themselves are very affordable or even free in China. However, you will need to purchase a data package to activate the SIM and access the cellular network.

Below is a comparative table showing the typical costs of SIM cards and monthly data plans from China’s three major carriers – China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom:

CarrierSIM Card CostMonthly Data Plans
China MobileFreeStarting at $13 USD per month for 3GB data. Plans go up to $88 USD for 300GB.
China UnicomFreeStarting at $12 USD per month for 2GB data. Plans range from $14 USD for 4GB up to $87 USD for 100GB.
China TelecomFreePlans unavailable without Chinese ID number. Recommended to use China Mobile or Unicom.
Note: Prices may vary depending on promotion offers and exchange rates.


  • The online SIM provider usually gives the information about the local network that covers the package you choose. At this point, you had better check if that network has good coverage and speed in the destination you plan to travel to. 
  • Estimate how many days it will be shipped to your house. Of course, this should be prior to your departure date. 

V. China eSIM – Alternative to Physical SIM Cards

Make your trip to China or Southeast Asia stress-free with chinaesim.com!

Traveling to China and need a hassle-free way to stay connected? Consider a China eSIM from Chinaesim.com, a convenient alternative to traditional physical SIM cards.

Why Choose China eSIM?

  • Easy to Use: Skip the hassle of finding a local SIM vendor or swapping physical cards. With China eSIM, you can download and activate your eSIM directly to your compatible device.
  • Variety of Plans: Whether you’re staying for a few days or a whole month, China eSIM offers data plans to suit your travel needs. Choose from 5-day, 7-day, 10-day, 15-day, or 30-day plans for mainland China.
  • Regional Options: Traveling beyond mainland China? China eSIM also offers regional eSIMs covering Greater China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia, ensuring seamless connectivity throughout your journey.
  • No VPN Required: Stay connected to your favorite apps and websites without the need for a VPN on most plans. This means easy access to social media, messaging, and more.
  • GIGAGO 지원: 중국 eSIM은 선도적인 eSIM 공급업체인 GIGAGO의 지원을 받아 안정적인 서비스와 지원을 보장합니다.

Explore the Options:

  • All Plans
  • Local
  • Multi Countries
Plan Name
Plan Validity

China eSIM 3GB total - 5 days

5 days
China eSIM 3GB total - 5 days

China eSIM 3GB total - 5 days

5 days



China eSIM 10GB total - 5 days

5 days
China eSIM 10GB total - 5 days

China eSIM 10GB total - 5 days

5 days



China eSIM 5GB total - 7 days

7 days
China eSIM 5GB total - 7 days

China eSIM 5GB total - 7 days

7 days



China eSIM 1GB/day - 7 days

7 days
China eSIM 1GB/day - 7 days

China eSIM 1GB/day - 7 days

7 days



China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

10 days
China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

10 days



China eSIM 3GB/days - 15 days

15 days
Top Selling
China eSIM 3GB/days - 15 days

China eSIM 3GB/days - 15 days

Top Selling
15 days



China eSIM 20GB total - 30 days

30 days
China eSIM 20GB total - 30 days

China eSIM 20GB total - 30 days

30 days



Greater China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

10 days
Greater China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

Greater China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

10 days



Greater China eSIM 4GB/day - 15 days

15 days
Greater China eSIM 4GB/day - 15 days

Greater China eSIM 4GB/day - 15 days

15 days



China Vietnam eSIM 8GB total - 7 days

7 days
China Vietnam eSIM 8GB total - 7 days

China Vietnam eSIM 8GB total - 7 days

7 days



VI. Where to Buy a China SIM Card?

Purchasing a China SIM card is relatively straightforward, with several options available for travelers to acquire a prepaid plan that suits their needs. Whether you prefer the convenience of buying a SIM card at the airport upon arrival or exploring local stores for competitive deals, here are some common places to buy a China SIM card:


Many international airports in China, including Beijing Capital International Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, and Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, have dedicated kiosks or stores where you can purchase SIM cards upon arrival. These airport vendors typically offer tourist-friendly packages with varying data allowances and validity periods.

Interested in buying SIM cards at Chinese major airports upon arrival? Check out our guide:

SIM Card at China Airports: The Definitive Guide

Mobile Operator Stores

Visit official stores or authorized retailers of major Chinese mobile operators such as China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom to buy a prepaid SIM card. You can find these stores in shopping malls, commercial districts, and tourist areas throughout China, where staff can assist you in selecting a suitable plan and activating your SIM card.

China SIM store - where to buy SIM card - eSIM in China

Online Platforms

Alternatively, consider purchasing a China SIM card online through official websites or reputable third-party platforms. Many mobile operators offer online ordering and delivery services, allowing you to receive your SIM card before your trip or have it conveniently shipped to your accommodation in China.

Local Convenience Stores

In urban areas and neighborhoods across China, you’ll find convenience stores like 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, or local shops that sell prepaid SIM cards. While the selection may be more limited compared to dedicated mobile operator stores, these stores offer a quick and accessible option for purchasing a basic SIM card for short-term use.

Tourist Information Centers

If you’re unsure where to buy a China SIM card or need assistance in choosing the right plan for your travel needs, visit tourist information centers in popular cities or tourist attractions. The staff can provide recommendations, help you navigate the activation process, and ensure you have reliable connectivity during your stay.

VII. How to Use China SIM Cards

Purchasing a China SIM card is one of the first things you’ll need to do when visiting the country. Here is a guide on how to purchase and use China SIM cards during your trip:

Decide on a Mobile Network Provider

There are 3 main mobile network providers in China – China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom. China Mobile has the best coverage nationwide but uses unique TD-LTE 4G frequencies that some devices may not support. China Unicom has slightly less coverage but uses more globally compatible 3G and 4G frequencies. China Telecom’s network is smaller and only really recommended if you need CDMA.

Purchase a SIM Card from the Provider

Visit a branded store of the provider you chose and purchase either a prepaid SIM card or a mobile plan package. You’ll need to present your passport and accommodation details for registration. SIM cards cost around 30 yuan with an initial top up. Popular prepaid plans range from 80-300 yuan per month with data and call allowances.

Activate and Insert the SIM Card

Follow the instructions to activate your SIM card. On iPhone, go to Settings > Cellular > SIM PIN Management to set the PIN. Insert the nano-SIM into your phone and restart it. Your device should detect the new network.

Set Up Mobile Data

Go to Settings > Cellular or Mobile Network and ensure cellular/mobile data is switched on. Select the correct APN settings for your provider. For China Mobile use ‘cmnet’.

Go to Settings > Cellular or Mobile Network and ensure cellular/mobile data is switched on

Top Up Credit

Top up credit using WeChat Pay by searching for ‘手机充值’ and entering your number. Top up amounts at post offices, convenience stores using scratch cards, or carrier stores. Keep enough credit for calls and data usage.

Understand Plans and Usage

Familiarize yourself with your plan allowances and rates for overuse. Check balances by texting special codes to 10086. Roaming networks can help bypass censorship but cost more for usage.

Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues

If you encounter network connectivity issues or have trouble accessing data services, restart your device, reinsert the SIM card, or manually select a network operator in your device settings. Contact the mobile operator’s customer support for further assistance if problems persist.

VIII. Best Mobile Operators for China SIM Cards

When choosing a mobile operator for your China SIM card, consider factors such as network coverage, data speeds, customer service, and pricing to determine the best option for your needs. Here are some of the top mobile operators in China known for providing quality SIM card services to travelers:

OperatorNetworkCompatible Phones4G/LTE FrequencyCoveragePlans
China MobileLargest network, own TD-SCDMA 3G standardPhones with FDD-LTE only will have limited coverage, newer phones support TDD-LTE1900MHz, 2300MHz, 2500MHz TDD-LTE. Also 1800MHz, 900MHz FDD-LTE but limitedBest coverage nationwideRange of monthly plans with data and minutes. Also daily/weekly data packages. “Unlimited” packages with fair use limits.
China UnicomSecond largest networkCompatible with any unlocked phone that supports 2100MHz 3G/4G1800MHz, 2100MHz FDD-LTE. Some 2600MHz TDD-LTEGood coverage, smaller than China MobileMonthly plans, data Top-ups, prepaid “Ice God” plan for heavy users
China TelecomSmallest network, uses CDMAOnly certain “global” CDMA phones compatible850MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz FDD-LTE. Some 2600MHz TDD-LTECoverage mainly in big citiesMonthly unlimited data “Wuyi” plans. Combi plans with data and minutes. Higher prices than competitors

By researching the offerings of different mobile operators, comparing coverage maps, and reading reviews from fellow travelers, you can select the best China SIM card provider that aligns with your preferences and ensures a seamless communication experience during your trip.

Not sure which China mobile operator to choose for your trip? Click here to learn more about the top 3 mobile networks in China and find the best option for travelers.

IX. Tips for Saving Data on Your China SIM Card

To make the most of your data allowance and avoid unnecessary charges while using a China SIM card, consider implementing these practical tips for saving data during your travels:

Turn off auto-updates and only update apps over WiFi.
  • Turn off auto-updates and only update apps over WiFi.
  • Lower streaming quality for videos and music.
  • Use public WiFi whenever possible. Public WiFi hotspots are widely available across China.
  • Disable background app refresh in settings.
  • Uninstall unused apps to avoid background data usage.
  • Compress images before sharing over messaging.
  • Read articles instead of watching videos where possible.
  • Monitor app data usage with a data monitoring app.

By incorporating these data-saving tips into your daily routine and being mindful of your data usage habits, you can maximize the value of your China SIM card, stay within your data limits, and enjoy uninterrupted connectivity throughout your journey.


What are the main cellular networks in China?

The three major cellular networks in China are China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom. China Mobile is the largest.

Do I need to register my real name and face scan to get a SIM card?

Yes, Chinese law requires all mobile users to provide their real name, identity document, and photo during SIM card registration since 2013 for surveillance purposes.

What documents do I need to buy a SIM card in China?

Yes, you can buy a SIM card in China at the airport or in local phone stores in the city center. However, buying at the airport, be it Beijing airport or Shanghai airport, is an easier option which allows you to get connected right away after arrival without having to go to local phone stores.

Are VPNs banned in China?

Using VPN is legal in China. Although China has restrictions in VPN usage and blocks a number of VPN providers, customers can legally use VPNs that work in China.
>> Learn more about: VPN for China: Top Options and Alternative

What are some prepaid plan options?

Common plans include ~100 RMB/month for 30GB 4G data and unlimited calls on China Mobile, or ~50 RMB for 2GB daily data add-on. China Unicom has similar plans at comparable prices.

Is there internet censorship in China?

Yes, many foreign websites are blocked. A VPN is required to access unrestricted internet, though VPNs do not always work smoothly due to blocking efforts.

Does Hong Kong sim card work in China?

Yes, a Hong Kong SIM card can work in mainland China, but there are some important considerations:
Coverage: While many Hong Kong SIM cards offer roaming services in mainland China, the coverage and quality may vary depending on the provider.
Roaming Charges: Using a Hong Kong SIM card in China often incurs higher roaming fees compared to using a local Chinese SIM card. Be sure to check the rates with your provider.
For optimal connectivity and cost-effectiveness, obtaining a SIM card for China is generally recommended for extended stays or frequent usage.