If you’re planning a trip to China, you may have heard that the government censors the internet there. As a tourist, being suddenly cut off from your favorite sites and apps can be frustrating. However, there are some simple ways you can bypass the “Great Firewall of China” and stay connected to the open internet during your travels.

China operates one of the most sophisticated censorship regimes in the world. However, with the right tools, tourists can still access websites like Google, Facebook, YouTube, and more. Keep reading to learn the top 5 techniques you can easily set up before your trip to China to help you stay online however you want while exploring this diverse and culturally rich country.

internet censorship in china

I. What is Internet Censorship in China?

The Great Firewall of China

When traveling in China, you may find that some websites and online services you usually use are not accessible like at home. This is because the Chinese government filters internet content through a sophisticated censorship system known as the “Great Firewall of China

The Great Firewall employs various techniques to censor the internet, including URL filtering, IP address blocking, DNS tampering, and deep packet inspection. These measures not only restrict access to certain websites but also monitor and censor content within websites that are allowed to operate within China.

Updated Popular Websites and Services Censored in China

The goal of the Great Firewall is to control what information Chinese citizens see online and block anything deemed contrary to government policies or values. As a result, many global news sites, social media platforms, and other content are restricted within China’s borders.

Some of the most well-known international websites and apps currently unavailable in China include:

Website/ServiceCategoryPrimary LanguageDate BlockedStatus
YouTubeVideo SharingMultilingual2009-presentBlocked
FacebookSocial MediaMultilingual2009-presentBlocked
RedditSocial NewsMultilingual2018-presentBlocked
NetflixStreamingMultilingual2012-presentService unavailable
InstagramPhoto SharingMultilingual2014-presentBlocked
TikTokSocial MediaMultilingual2020-presentBlocked
SpotifyMusic StreamingMultilingual2008-presentService unavailable
TwitterSocial MediaEnglish2009-presentPartially blocked
LinkedInProfessional NetworkingMultilingual2021-presentBlocked
PinterestImage SharingMultilingual2017-presentBlocked
SoundCloudMusic StreamingMultilingual2013-presentBlocked
DropboxFile SharingMultilingual2014-presentBlocked
ChatGPTAI AssistantMultilingual2023-presentBlocked
Hugging FaceAIMultilingual2023-presentBlocked

The list of blocked websites and services is constantly evolving, making it challenging for users to keep up with the latest restrictions.

II. Common Censorship Issues Faced by Tourists in China

As you may already be aware, China has extensive censorship policies in place that regulate what information is available online within the country. Here are some key censorship issues you may encounter during your travels in China:

Inability to Access Essential Services

For travelers and visitors, the internet censorship in China can be a significant inconvenience and potentially disruptive. Without access to essential services like Google Maps, translation apps, and travel booking platforms, navigating and planning trips can become a major challenge.

Sensitive Keyword Filtering

Searches containing politically or socially sensitive keywords will return no results on Chinese search engines and social media.

Disrupted Communication

Popular communication tools like WhatsApp, Skype, and FaceTime are often blocked or unreliable in China, making it challenging to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues back home or abroad.

Limited Access to Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are inaccessible in China, preventing travelers from sharing their experiences, connecting with others, and accessing information shared on these platforms.

Real-name registration

Most Chinese websites and apps require using real names and phone numbers for registration, limiting anonymity online.

III. How to Bypass Internet Censorship in China

There are some workarounds you can use to bypass internet censorship and access blocked content while traveling in China:

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)VPNs create a secure tunnel between your device and a server in another country, allowing you to bypass the GFW and access blocked websites.Easy to use, relatively reliable, can provide additional security and privacy benefits.Can be expensive, some VPNs are blocked by the GFW, can slow down your internet connection.
Proxy ServersProxy servers act as intermediaries between your device and the internet, allowing you to access blocked websites by routing your traffic through a server in another country.Free or low-cost options available, can be faster than VPNs.Can be unreliable, some proxy servers are blocked by the GFW, can be less secure than VPNs.
Tor BrowserThe Tor Browser is a free and open-source web browser that uses the Tor network to anonymize your traffic and bypass censorship in China.Highly secure and anonymous, difficult to block by the GFW.Can be slow, some websites may not be accessible through Tor.
ShadowsocksShadowsocks is a free and open-source proxy that uses encryption to bypass censorship.Relatively fast and reliable, can be configured to work with specific applications.Can be technically challenging to set up, some servers are blocked by the GFW.
HyphanetHyphanet is a decentralized peer-to-peer network that allows users to share files and access censored content anonymously.Highly resistant to censorship, can be used to host websites and other online services.Can be slow and difficult to use, requires a significant amount of storage space.

Additional Tips:

  • Use a combination of methods. This will make it more difficult for the GFW to block your access to censored content.
  • Stay updated on the latest censorship techniques. The GFW is constantly evolving, so it is important to stay informed about the latest methods used to bypass it.
  • Be aware of the risks. Using methods to bypass the GFW can be illegal in China, so it is important to be aware of the risks before you do so.

By taking these steps, tourists should be able to continue accessing information online and stay connected with friends and family back home despite the Chinese firewall. Just be aware that certain precautions need to be taken to protect your data and online activity while circumventing controls. With some digital know-how, you don’t need to be cut off from the internet entirely while visiting China.

IV. How China eSIM Solves Your Internet Censorship Problem

Introduction to eSIM Technology for Travel

eSIM, short for embedded SIM, is a revolutionary technology that allows you to activate a mobile data plan directly on your compatible device, eliminating the need for a physical SIM card. This technology has become increasingly popular among travelers, as it provides a convenient and hassle-free way to stay connected while on the go.

Chinaesim.com – eSIM Data Plans with Uncensored Access

Chinaesim.com offers specialized eSIM data plans designed specifically for travelers to China. These plans not only provide reliable and fast internet connectivity but also offer uncensored access to the global internet, bypassing China’s Great Firewall.

No Need for VPN - Fast, Reliable Internet Throughout China

With Chinaesim.com‘s eSIM data plans, you can enjoy unrestricted access to the internet without the need for a VPN. This means you can seamlessly use popular apps and services like Google Maps, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp without any restrictions or performance issues.

Setting up the Chinaesim.com eSIM is incredibly simple and straightforward. Once you purchase a data plan, you’ll receive a QR code or an activation code that can be scanned or entered directly on your compatible device. No physical SIM card is required, and the entire process can be completed within minutes.

Chinaesim.com offers a range of flexible data plans to suit different travel durations and data usage requirements. Whether you’re staying for a short trip or an extended period, you can choose a plan that fits your needs and budget, ensuring you have reliable and uncensored internet access throughout your stay in China.

  • All Plans
  • Local
  • Multi Countries
Plan Name
Plan Validity

China eSIM 3GB total - 5 days

5 days
China eSIM 3GB total - 5 days

China eSIM 3GB total - 5 days

5 days



China eSIM 10GB total - 5 days

5 days
China eSIM 10GB total - 5 days

China eSIM 10GB total - 5 days

5 days



China eSIM 5GB total - 7 days

7 days
China eSIM 5GB total - 7 days

China eSIM 5GB total - 7 days

7 days



China eSIM 1GB/day - 7 days

7 days
China eSIM 1GB/day - 7 days

China eSIM 1GB/day - 7 days

7 days



China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

10 days
China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

10 days



China eSIM 3GB/days - 15 days

15 days
Top Selling
China eSIM 3GB/days - 15 days

China eSIM 3GB/days - 15 days

Top Selling
15 days



China eSIM 20GB total - 30 days

30 days
China eSIM 20GB total - 30 days

China eSIM 20GB total - 30 days

30 days



Greater China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

10 days
Greater China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

Greater China eSIM 10GB total - 10 days

10 days



Greater China eSIM 4GB/day - 15 days

15 days
Greater China eSIM 4GB/day - 15 days

Greater China eSIM 4GB/day - 15 days

15 days



China Vietnam eSIM 8GB total - 7 days

7 days
China Vietnam eSIM 8GB total - 7 days

China Vietnam eSIM 8GB total - 7 days

7 days



V. FAQs about Internet Censorship in China

What is the Great Firewall of China?

The Great Firewall of China is the combination of legislative actions and technologies enforced by the Chinese government to regulate the internet domestically and block access to foreign websites deemed politically sensitive or harmful. It operates through deep packet inspection and filtering of keywords to censor content.

What sites and services are blocked in China?

Many major international sites are blocked in China like Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, BBC News, The New York Times. VPN and proxy services are also actively blocked to prevent circumvention of censorship.

Will tourists be affected by censorship in China?

Yes – foreigners visiting China will be subject to the same internet restrictions as locals via Chinese cellular networks and public WiFi. Downloading VPNs before arriving may allow access to blocked international content but VPN use is illegal in China. Hotels sometimes have unrestricted broadband internet available.

Are any regions exempt from censorship?

The special autonomous regions of Hong Kong and Macau have greater online freedoms than mainland China due to their independent legal systems and closer economic ties to foreign markets. However, state censorship is tightening its grip in these areas as well.

What basics should tourists know about Chinese platforms?

Learn basics like adding contacts on WeChat, paying with Alipay, using Didi for transport and Meituan for food/shopping deliveries. Be aware of privacy risks when using accounts registered with Chinese IDs. Apps also have simplified/localized language variants for foreigners.

Do I need a VPN to use the internet in China with ChinaeSIM?

No, a VPN is not required for internet access with a China eSIM. In fact, using a VPN might block your eSIM data.

Can I use messaging apps like WhatsApp with a China eSIM?

Yes, you can use messaging apps like WhatsApp, Kakao Talk, or Zalo with your existing phone number.


Navigating the internet landscape in China can be a daunting task for travelers and visitors, but with the right tools and solutions, it is possible to bypass the country’s strict censorship measures. VPNs and proxy servers offer varying degrees of effectiveness in accessing the uncensored internet, but they come with their own set of limitations and potential drawbacks.

Chinaesim.com‘s eSIM data plans present a convenient and reliable solution for bypassing internet censorship in China. With uncensored access, fast and reliable connectivity, and a hassle-free setup process, these eSIM data plans can be a game-changer for travelers seeking uninterrupted access to the global internet during their time in China.